Tuesday, August 30, 2011

My First Blog

I am using this for my homeschool project. I will be putting my homeschool pictures and projects on it.

(We invite you to view Brigitta's blog, encourage her, and ask/pose questions about the topics she is learning about.)


  1. This month we are reading: The Pony Express and Red Sails to Capri. We are also using the Sea World science/math curriculum in preparation for our field trip to Sea World on the 22nd. Our Bible focus is on Genesis.

  2. I love Genesis, except for the part when Eve ate the fruit and then Adam ate the fruit. But God is a forgiving God, remember he forgave them and covered them with cloth.
    I wish I could go to Sea World with you!! What a great learning experience that will be!!

  3. Hello Brigitta! I am so impressed with your drawings and seeing what all you are learning! I especially like the idea about doing math with pictures that you draw. Keep up the good work, and you'll be getting smarter everyday! We love you, and are so proud of you! Ann and Ike
