Wednesday, September 7, 2011

We're still here...

Sorry it's been a few days since we last posted. Will has the camera and until we get it back can't upload any pics. We are finishing up our Pony Express lesson this week. We are also still working through Genesis. Today Brigitta asked, "If God didn't want them to eat the fruit off the tree then why didn't He just put one of those plastic covers over it or something?" She also said, "If Adam was made out of dust and when we die and go in the ground we turn into dust...that is cool." And, "If they (Adam and Eve) didn't eat the fruit there wouldn't be bad dreams?" Ohhhh, the questions that one short chapter brings. Believe me, this wasn't all of them.

We are also working on locating and remembering the names of the 7 continents and 5 oceans (for those of you who aren't in "the know", the Southern Ocean has been added to the list. It's the ocean that surrounds Antarctica). She's doing pretty well. Even Piper is going around saying, "South America, South America" in a sing-songy voice. Last night we read a book called Enoch Emu. At the end of the book it talked about several male birds that care for the eggs/chicks. It told what country each bird was from. She had to look at a map, find the country, figure out which continent it was on, and then write the name of the bird on her continent map. Her question (about the similarity of an ostrich and and emu), "Are they related?" We are going to find out...and how, if they are, they ended up on totally different continents! (emu = Australia, ostrich = Africa).

Well, until I get the camera, so long! 


  1. Brigitta I love your Inquisitive mind!! You keep asking Mama the questions about the Bible!! That is the best way to study God's word and He LOVES it when His children are in His word!!
    Humm--very interesting about the ostrich and emu!! I am going to look that up!!
    While you are learning Piper is also learning! That is great!!

  2. Brigitta found out that the ostrich and the emu are NOT related. They sort of look the same but the ostrich is larger than an emu. The ostrich lives in Africa and the Emu lives in Australia.
